[Sindarin - "Landroval" means Wide-Wing]
Birth Eerie
She, like all Kryes, is fully Aerokinetic. But she's also a Flier Class Slayer, is no push-over in battle. She's got three High Magic marks on her body; they are all connected to one massively destructive spell that causes raw magics in an area to go completely haywire and kamikaze --- exploding in a vast array of deadly flames, electricity, and magic. It decimates those who are caught within the blast; either obliterating their phyiscal forms completely, or damaging them to severe amounts. She has to be careful when she uses it, because it affects everyone in an area -- including allies.

She has a weapon called a Raveler made of Spirit Essence. These weapons do not cause physical harm, really, but rather are used to disable/drain the powers/abilities of an opponent. One hit from a Raveler disables powers/abilities for a full 24hrs, but a Spirit Essence Raveler can also drain energy levels to the point where sometimes those powers/abilities can never come back fully.

At this point in time she is not a member of a Slayer Guild, but she's had enough training that she could one day join one.

Slayer Training
2nd Level

Flier Remedy - allows for the Flier to blend into their surroundings while airbourne. If they're wounded, faint, or low on energy this magic also allows for them to fully heal as the wind passes through them; restoring them to full health and allowing for Fliers to go for days on end without having to rest.
1st Level

Doriu - A spell which causes a haze of darkness to descend upon an area, completely throwing the senses of an enemy into disarray as the land rumbles and melds with shadows. It makes it impossible for an enemy to tell darkness and real threats apart.
1st Level

Alkna - A spell which causes energy to build upon a Flier's forepaws, adding silver and spirit-essence damage to any weaponry the Flier possesses, as well as claw-damage.
1st Level

Revelos - Reveals all active magics in an area, and then distorts them so that they are no longer harmful to their intended targets.
1st Level

Wind Walk - Allows for the Flier to become one with the wind and air currents, thus making them invulnerable to physical harm.
1st Level

Shiralos - Causes an area to be infected by a Disease-Aura that causes an enemy's movement to be hindered and slowed to such an extent that any movement they make will be akin to slow-motion and require great effort.
1st Level

Tytal - Defensive magic, causes the wind to gather and form a temporary shiled that grows and expands, throbbing with so much blackened energy that when an enemy comes into contact with it it'll explode and threaten to destroy their physical forms.
1st Level

Devruso - All nearby allies are momentarily removed from the immediate area; relocated to a safe zone of the Flier's choosing. Used mainly for retreats, or when the threat is too large and the group nees to regroup.
1st Level

Airaklso - The nearby air currents react wildly in response to the activation of this skill. Areas of wind become silver-edge blades, seeking to cut through and disable/kill all nearby enemies - any enemies that are airbourne are instantly rendered defenseless or dead.
1st Level

Kyutha - Causes red-energy to flare up from the ground, with such sweltering heat and air pressure that enemies upon the section targetted will suffer extreme burns and damage to their sensory systems.
1st Level

Phalan'No - Causes the Flier's own sensory system to increase in reaction and concentration. Allows for the Flier to move more swiftly through the air, molding air currents and raw magics to seemingly create echoes of it's movements as reflections of the Flier appear in the air at such a large number it seems an entire army is about to attack. The Flier can actively move about this clone-cover without being detected, and launch the end skill of this attack which causes all reflections to converge upon an area and explode in a fiery mess of cold damage that freezes the area, and all within in. Must not be used near allies, as the end result will affect them as well.
2nd Level

Kyre © Alicia 'GryphonIce' Brons
Layout Images © Arielle 'FlyingPanther' Nicole Guthrie